Wednesday 25 April 2012

Well here goes nothing

Blogging, what a new concept.  This is going to be about my very boring life during the summer until I get to New Bold and can party in England, but until I get there you will have to live with my boring summer full of work and watching Bones.  Which is the best thing since sliced bread, just take my word for it.  I have finished unpacking my room and now am being nagged by my ever so loving mother to get a job. But what the heck I'll get a job sooner or later...right?  I have figured out that to fly to England it will cost me two thousand dollars. yikes! but it will be ok if God provided then I will be there in less than five months.  Well I think that's all I can think of.  Oh except that I went to watch acros since they came to Vernon and that was really good.  Good to see some of my friends again and to visit my old school.  Adian was coming off the tramp and hurt his ankle so he was in the hospital during the show, and I heard that the orchestra tour bus was broken in to and instruments, computers, phones, and passports were stolen. So I am so happy that Victoria didn't go or that would have been so bad. Now that is all

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHH!
    That makes me so happy <3
    Michel, I love you and miss you and am SO GLAD YOU POSTED!
    Muah <3
