Tuesday 8 May 2012

You know how in the early 20th Century people traveled because they were rich and you could tell how rich they were and see all the places they had been to from the stickers on their trunk?  Well I just bought myself my first set of luggage for School Abroad and the pattern is early 20th century.  It looks so cool and I will up load a picture as soon as I can.  They are giant and all match which is the coolest thing ever, since me being poor all my life I have never had such cool good looking things to call my own....well now I do. 
Oh and funny story:
I am always making fun of my mom for cutting herslef on our knives and telling her we need to buy a cut glove for her like they use in profecinal kichens....well then I start to make supper and my dad had just sharpened them unbeknownst to me so you can tell where this is going. I am cutting onions, a task I hate doing, and I cut my thumb off!  Ok not really off but a lot of it is missing and that is not a exaggeration. It was a very traumatic experience.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! Are you okay? did you have to get stitches? That's a terrible story because it has no ending you silly goose!! :p Much love <3
