Tuesday 13 November 2012

A trip into London

I still had lots of my break left so I spent the next day doing laundry and watching movies. That was a nice day.  I planned to go to London with Allissa and her family on Thursday so I stayed up really late but as all good things happen plans changed and she woke me up really early and asked if I wanted to go today so I drug myself out of bed and went, I really just wanted to have someone to help me get there and then I left them and went to all the museums.  The British Museum was ok, no it was really bad just a bunch on 500bc stuff and I don’t like that.....to old.   But the Victoria and Albert Museum was ten times better.  There was so much to look at and they had fashion through the ages it was so cool, Sarah you would have loved it, so many 50’s dresses.  

 I will take you when you come to visit if it is still there.  I never made it to the Natural History Museum cuz I was saving it for last and never made it there so sad! But I have the rest of the year and first two weeks of Christmas so I will see it in all its glory soon enough.  I went to Piccadilly and Trafalgar square and the Guard’s training house just passed the prime minister’s house.  Outside there was a boy on a house who looked so bored I felt so bad for him, just like the guy at Windsor.  By then my feet were literally killing me so I went home just to turn around and go back on Friday with Sarah and her parents that was so much fun!! I had bought tickets for the Hollywood Costumes exhibit on that Wednesday so I went there and saw the Titanic, Sherlock Holmes, and the Oceans costumes along with sooo many others it was brilliant.  After the exhibit I went to met Sarah and her family in Piccadilly so we could go for Chinese got caught up in a flash mob that was fun.  They were protesting the secret societies or something,  whatever they were crazy.  Had to wait for like 2 hours but the food was pretty good and China Town was really cute complete with dead ducks hanging in the windows,  and on the way back to the tube I bought myself a One Direction t-shirt!!!! WOOT! So now I wear it like every night.  But then school started again and I had to get back to work enough play.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to see those dresses. I hope they are still there when I come. Also, you have ruined my life. Finn and Jack are so hot!
