Saturday 8 September 2012

Proper English Tea

First Pub! we went to a pub called the Roebuck and it was an epic fail.  we walked in and went to a table, no one looked at us it was all old fat men and no one came to ask if they could help us or seee our ID or anything so we sat there until Julie and I worked up the courage to go ask for something.  the Lady was such a tool and was like I need to see your ID so I was like ok no biggy then she's like no I need to see all your ID.  super rude.  I went to get eveyones ID and two of us forgot it way to go guys! So we had to walk out pass all these fat old men, the walk of shame.

Day Two so we walk farther this time and came to a really sweet pub called Victoria Arms and they were much nicer there where lady's in there and when we sat down a girl came pass and asked us if we were good, so much nicer.  So some of us ordered Ale and some wine and others water I will no say what I got but you know.  we sat and talked, took pictures and laughed at this cat.

Enter Christian:  So the girls across the hall from me are really good friends of mine and Marita who is from Norway came with 3 other boys, one is Christian.  He has strawberry blonde hair and lots of freckles.  he is really sweet but I didn't know where I stood with him so whatever.  We went to Vespers and there was a bat that came out during the songs and flew around for the rest of the service poor thing.  after we went for a walk in the pitch black down a few streets and then out group split when there was an option to turn around or walk down this dark wooded path and of course I took the dark path.  So Marita, Christian, some other girl and a Brazilian boy named Marlo.  Christian and this other girl walked together poops I know but it was a nice walk and then when we got to the school we just stood in a circle in the freezing cold Adriel the hot Brazilian came and joined so I was very happy and then some how Christian got out of the circle and then entered again beside me and we just all stood there talking and having fun.  then this morning I wasn't sure what was going on but after lunch everyone was walking back to the dorm and Christian was telling me about these hidden doors in Moor Close I already knowing this was like "what really? will you show me some time"  so he said we should do it now so we looked all around and then just sat and talked I told him about not having anywhere to go for Christmas and he invited me home but who knows if that has any truth.  and he told me about loosing his brother to cancer.  then everyone came back and found us just talking I'm not sure if Taylor likes him or not but she looked kinda weird.  after Tea we went on another walk to a park. Christian, Marita, Taylor and I Christian and I walked together the whole way with Taylor and Marita inhead.  Taylor wanted to go one way and no one went with there but then I was like oh I want to go in the woods and everyone followed,  Taylor was like :why do you all follow her but not me"  That made me feel really special poor girl.  And tonight we are going to the Pub again so we will see how the rest of the day goes. Sorry for the long entry but writing a whole day and when that day contains a boy it can get.....well you know. 

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