Monday 3 September 2012

day one: registration

Registration was today.  Long lines, boring talks and endless lists....sounds like Canada.  I have already met friends and have people to hang out with.  I have only had that opportunity once before and it is so nice to have ppl to go eat with and none of this first month of loneliness.  Now I told you all that this would probably be a lot of boys and drama so here is the first installment.  At Vespers I sat beside an English boy names Tom who is without a doubt a typical English boy not like the hotties on TV or anything like One Direction but he is blonde with not so good teeth but a great accent and such a gentlemen.   Then there are the Brazilian boys who are nice but not very attractive until I met Julie and her brothers Julie is a really nice girl and I hope she will like me enough to let me flirt with her brothers.  The older is named Victor and the younger Adreal.  The younger is much cuter and doesn’t have a girlfriend unlike the older, and of course I like the younger one better I can just see you saying that Sara.  All the ACA students are girls except this black boy from cali so nothing there but I came for foreigners anyway.  But there is a nice boy from Oregon who is here with the gap year program and his name is Robert.  He is a little more of a bad boy which is awesome but really attractive so it won’t be hard for him to get whatever he wants.  So far that is about all I know the rest are just nameless faces.  OMG I have to tell you about the Gardener.  He is a MAN who mows the lawn and picks up garbage and I know your thinking what a suck job but this guy could be cleaning elephant butts with a wet one and you would think it was the best job on earth.  He is TALL and at least a whole head and shoulders taller than anyone else here and blonde.  He dresses with a lot of class for church and all us girls were watching his every move.  Always talking about him until Alyssaa looked at his hand during church and told us that he was indeed married.  Suck luck.  But I am not here to get a boyfriend I am here to make lots of friends and have lots of fun flirting and touring.

A line is called a cue and classes are called module
This is More Close the manor house on the property from that back garden

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! I'm glad you made it safely!
    Sara was reading the part of your blog post regarding Tom, and we had a good time laughing together. We will have to Skype you! I'm so glad you're posting. Keep it up! I want to know everything :p
    Also, I greatly enjoyed your example of that guy cleaning an elephant butt with a wetwipe. Very creative :p
    Okay love you!
