Wednesday 15 May 2013

sex, sex, sex, and more of the same

You know I think that Amsterdam was a place known for Anne Frank, Dutch Pancakes, and tulips but now I know differently.  The only thing that is Amsterdam is sex or at least that is how it feels.  In every shop you go in to there are red light district souvenirs, sex toys and costumes are sold right out on the street, there are sex shops everywhere.  Ok so maybe I am making it worse than it really is, it was probably just the hostel where we were staying.  

Besides all the sex we have gone to this very cool museum called our lord in the attic which is three houses all containing a catholic church in their adjoining attics.  When Catholics were not allowed to worship in public this man built a church so that his catholic friends could all worship the way they wanted to.  This was probably the best thing we saw today.
I am so sorry if this is incoherent but we are so tired, there is nothing like walking around all day to wear a body out.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Almost the last of it

The sky outside is grey and after a long week of going places and being bathes in glories sunshine it is a welcome reminder that I am still in England to see the grey sky come back. For some reason it feels like it belongs there and when there is too much sun it somehow feels wrong.

Well I am in my last week in England, and this week is treating my ability to cope with life. OMG I have had to write out a list of everything I am doing just so I can keep it all straight in my mind.  The tests I am taking the Buildings I am sleeping in the Places I am going and who is leaving when.  Also I am packing my suitcases along with trying to study for my finals and writing last papers and essays.  Sarah and I spent 4 hours trying to book hostels and figure out where we want to go and when.  

Packing all my things just makes me realize how very blasted I am to have so many clothes and shoes and this very opportunity.  There are a lot of things that have changed with me so much so that when I was talking to my mom a few months ago, I asked her what would happen if I got a tattoo and she thinking that I had gotten on back at Christmas told me straight out that I would have to have it removed before I got home, and then earlier this week if I was sexually active.  I will definitely come back to Canada a very different girl but not so different that you all won’t recognise me.

Tuesday 30 April 2013


While driving to Edinburgh all I could do was look out the windows.  If you have never seen any pictures of Edinburgh you need to look them up cuz it is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen.  The old buildings and the cobblestone street just give it such character.  Pamela, Sarah, Marju and I walked all around the city and then met up with Balazs and Daniel for lunch.  Now marju who has been up here before told me that the best fish and chips is up in the north so I know I was pretty excited.  We went into this little pub that was covered in old metal signs and old lights that looked like candles.   It was such a cute little place.  And Mrs. Little was so right that in England pubs they just try to put a toilet in anywhere.  In this pub you had to go down two flights of stairs at the very back of the pub.  And every toilet is different, In Canada most places are uniform but even in our school there are at least 4 different styles of toilets on campus.  But back to the pub we had Haggis, which is a traditional Scottish dish, fish and chips, and a few different starters.  One was caramelised onions with warm goat’s cheese on bread and the other was deep fried brie OMG it was all so good!  After eating we went all over Edinburgh looking for a charm for my bracelet.  I wanted a thistle for obvious reasons but couldn’t find one anywhere.  Finally Sarah spotted a jewelry store and I didn’t care how much it cost I was going to buy it from there.  Well when I got in there I found the best one ever and it was only £ 9 so I was more than happy! Well by this time it was 3 so we all headed back to the mini bus passing by the queen residence and taking a quick picture.  Then for the long 10 hour ride back.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Sunshine Forever.........oh wait

What fun!  It has been sunny for almost the whole week but “knock on wood” since I would like to keep it that way.  Today I wore a loose sleeveless top without any jacket. And coming back from the gym (yes I know your mind is blown) Sarah and I just soaked up some major sun!  I picked some more daffodils and now I have a bit of sunshine in my window always.

I lied in the five minutes that it took me to admire my sunshine, grey clouds just came rolling in and hurricane rain and wind struck the dorm! I saw a bird try to take off and it got swept away.  Kind of funny but still intense.  It sprayed water against the window and after it let it all out is just went to a light drizzle.  It reminded me of home, and how it down pours for ten minutes, flooding the driveway and washing away all the old leaves.  Well now that it is back to blue skies nothing but blue skies.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

A Tour to Scotland

Bright one wintery morning at about 7 o’clock in the morning the choir of Newbold School woke up to head out to the High Lands of Scotland.  They left at about 9 o’clock on two mini buses and one van for the entire choir’s luggage.  Most of the trip the three girls, who lives we are following on this journey, slept but when they did wake up the landscape took their breath away.  The rolling hills of northern England and later Scotland were most beautiful.  Dusted lightly with snow and dotted with sheep it was something they had always seen on postcards and in picture books. The entire choir reached their destination in about 10 hours of driving time which should only have taken 6 but the director insisted that the drivers and the students needed breaks to wee and stretch their legs.  The one girl who had grown up in Canada, a country filled with vast places and endless drives, though this was very foolish.  She had grown up driving to Alberta to visit family a 12 hour drive normally and her family did it all in one sitting with only a couple wee breaks.  So for her this was over kill and drove her crazy.  The other two girls, who were from Switzerland and Poland, also though that this many stops was unneeded.  So it must have just been the English people who drive 2 hours and think they have reached the end of the world.  Criff was the first church that the choir sang at; when they arrived many of the student where very tired and hungry but the members of this church had anticipated this and had prepared a three course meal for all the choir members.  These three girls were very surprised at both the fact that there was so much food, since they loved to eat, and the fact that it was so good.  First there was a beautiful soup that was a tad-bit spicy but so delicious next there was boiled potatoes, obviously, mac and cheese and salad.  And last but probably the best, was ice cream and fruit now that doesn’t sound to good but after eating so much other food these girls wanted nothing more but since the ice cream was so light with just some fruit it was pure heaven.  The concert went great, and after the girls were shipped off the pastors house.  In the 1900 this house had been a girl’s dormitory so the one from Canada who loved history asked all sorts of questions and looked all over the house.  The kitchen had stained glass cupboards the view off the garden was spectacular and the view from the parlor looked out on another Victorian house with a very interesting widow’s walk. They had to rise early so that they could make it to the next church in Dundee.  Dundee was full of attractive boys who the girls liked and talked to, and even though that was nice the weather and food were not so nice.  So to keep this story one a happy note, the girls were able to see many sights of Dundee and took a few pictures.  After the whole day concert the choir packed up and headed to the hotel for the night. Where the girls slept like bumps on a log and woke ready to sight see in Edinburgh