Sunday 11 November 2012

Mid-term Break

I am suppose to be writing a 2300 word essay right now but I can't get anything down and I haven't written anything in a while so I decided it would be a better use of my time to write a blog post. At least write something

I think I will make a few shorter ones so that I can tell you all about what has been going on, and I will be able to upload one if the others aren’t finished.

I am so sorry that it has taken this long to put something up but I will start with my trip to Ireland.  I went with two Americans Lisi Wixwat (yes she is related to the wixwats from school) and Allissa Wright from Union if any of you know them that is cool. Also marita, but should know her from older posts.  It was so sunny and nice when we landed I was really excited and then we walked was like Alberta so sunny you think it will be nice and then it feels like 30 below.  So needless to say i had to buy a few cloths to warm myself up.  We took a bus and found our hostel. Then just walked around Belfast and found out what we wanted to see tomorrow.  Allissa and Lisi went to the Giant ’s Causeway and Marita and I went all around Belfast visiting the Titanic museum which was amazing!!! I was able to see jack and rose’s outfits for the sinking scene.  Then we just walked the streets, found Prince Albert’s clock which is leaning from all the heavy traffic too funny I know and this glass lookout which was in the middle of an outdoor/indoor shopping mall, it was very different.  All the shops were inside and warm but all the walkways were outside but it was all under one roof.  I hope that makes sense.  

Day two: we took a bus to Dublin and had to cross the border into the Republic of Ireland which was kind of a joke hahaha found our hostel but it was down a creepy street and the front desk guy was a total tool but we finally were able to go bed.  The next morning we took a taxi to church and they were so mean there too.  All in all Dublin is a mean city.  They didn’t say hi or invite us to their house.  And it wasn’t a big church, really small, so it’s not like they didn’t know we were new. What if we were searching and because of them we didn’t want to keep looking. They just cost heaven 4 girls. What now???? So we got out of there as fast as possible and walked home.  On the way back we passed the grand opening of Abercrombie and Fitch where there were the top models from all over the world standing outside so we stopped there for a few minutes and drooled.  They were super hot!!! I will try to get a picture for you. 
The rest of our time in Dublin was kind of dumb and ppl were so mean that we left as soon as we had seen the wax museum the next day.  It was kind of a disappointment since I had seen the one in Victoria but the other girls liked it pretty well.  Oh and we went to Skyfall I hope it has come out in Canada already cuz you guys need to go watch it!!! And it only cost me like 8 bucks, no way! 
Day 4: back in Belfast we only had day 3’s night and then we had to head back to the airport for day 4 but that night we went on a ghost tour of Belfast’s streets and met this really cute body snatcher he also doubled as the hang man.  Learned about Jack the Ripper, Human Toilets, and haunted alley’s  
After that we just went to bed and left the next morning.

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