Thursday 15 November 2012

odds and ends

So here is just the random over view. After I got back from the Lake District like a month ago I have been talking to Balazs and Daniel I have texted him over 200 texts in the last 3 weeks!  Its like i am dating this guy.  Well anywho we hang out and flirt and just have fun, the three of us.   But I like his younger brother way more, and he is more my age right? So why not.  We have gone out for coffee, walked all around the neighboring  villages, gone for kebabs, watched movies   and gone to seen a waterfall thing. We hang out like every weekend and any time during the week if they are doing anything.  Last night we made waffles and watched The Bucket List (don’t watch it with boys it was so sad), it is always me and them and some other people but we always  have lots of fun.  Now for a little bit of creepy I had two dreams about Daniel two nights in a row and they were kind of weird but whatever I dream about guys all the time.  But the weird thing is that they came true the past two night.  In the first Daniel asked me to marry him and we were in some sort of Viking society and the other night I was in his room and we were all just talking and he asked me to marry him, after I told him I wanted to see the world and wait like five years  for children.  Then I had a dream that I was laying on a bed in our scary Dublin hostel and so was he, and then it happened last night really weird we had just finished eating and I went to lay on his bed and he came too.  That is just something to make you laugh about the life of Michel.  Second I just found out that my roommate in gay! So now I can see what it is like to change in front of someone who is interested in you sexually. Hahaha this will be fun. MOM don’t freak out! Don’t worry she is in a long term committed relationship. And Sarah you can’t tell anyone at school or she will kill me.  Victoria I will let you know how being a lesbian is like hahaha jk! 
School is being a bitch, it is midterms and instead of having tests like normal people every class has an essay and there all due at the same time.  My Bible essay which I am suppose to be working on is 2300 words and due on Monday and it is Sunday night.  But don’t worry I am almost done.  All the rest of my essays are 1500 words and are due in the next week so I will be getting a blue bum from sitting in the Library writing my essays. But look on the bright side at least my typing skills will be getting better.  Well since I have said pretty much everything that has been in my head to tell you guys is out I will stop, go to supper and get back to my bible essay which is worth 100% of my grade aaaaahhhhh, that kind of scares me.  Love you all bye!

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