Monday 3 December 2012

The Christmas Banquet

Oh to be home for Christmas.  I was talking to mom the other day and she told me that my blogs were starting to sound depressing and home sick.  I really hope she was the only one who noticed it because of wishful thinking and not because I really do sound that way.  I will tell you a secret, I thought that I liked rain and grey skies but I am much more of a sunny all the time until a good Okanogan down pour kind of girl.
Well I have a funny and rather embarrassing story to tell you, as you know I was planning on going to Belgium a couple of weekends ago with my friends.  So we woke up super early hoped in the car and headed out on the 2 hour drive to Dover to catch the train.  Well that morning I had remembered to grab my passport and told the girls to as well but when we got to the border the agent handed back our ID and told us that we would not be allowed back into the UK if we left.  So we had to stay in England haha on us.   But it wasn’t bad we climbed the great “white cliffs of Dover” they are wonderful, put them on your bucket list.
Last Saturday was banquet as you could probably tell from my pictures, but it was the most epic fail of a banquet I have ever gone to.  Here the boys don’t ask the girls out and there is no great line of men waiting outside of the dorm on the night. What a fail.  I helped decorate and when “Egypt” told me his idea I thought it was going to look really classy and nice.
So picture this.....
“There is going to be a real Christmas tree that we need to cut down from campus with lights in the middle of the room with the tables around it covered in white with white chairs.  Christmas lights will be hanging with silver and gold snowflakes.  We are going to higher some giant blue flood lights to shine up from the floor onto the walls.  We are going to have a three course meal with soup, Chicken, and dessert that will be served to you instead of buffet. And every banquet starts of all classy then it always ends up as a club around midnight one or two.”
Now doesn’t that sound like fun?  Well it really turned out to be a super tacky looking set up with a random disco ball that didn’t turn pink, blue and green lights and a very sad haggard looking Christmas tree with both blinking and still lights.  The food was cold when we got it and there was a half hour wait between courses.  But I took lots of pictures and have fun.  Not to mention that I looked very hot!  Each country had to come up to sing there national anthem and I am the only freaking Canadian.  Well Luke the MC said “we need to hear from America but first we can’t forget about CANADA everyone started to chant Canada until I went up with this other guy who claims that he is Canadian but he lives her and has a British accent.  Whatever to you!  We sang and it was terrifying!!!! But our anthem was ten times better then the Americans so woot to us.
In the end banquet didn’t end till almost two and we stayed around talking and taking pictures.  Now I have a whole week of no classes until exams, and tomorrow we are going to see les miserables and I am so excited about it.

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