Wednesday 5 December 2012


Now sarah if you are reading this even though the title says DON’T I won’t hate you but just prepare yourself for the story of you super hot brother. And you can’t get annoyed because this is your own fault.  Love ya!

Last weekend or so Sarah’s brother came to visit her, bringing along his friend.  Harmless sentence right? Well for the ones who know me you know it is packed with juicy gossip, no I don’t like that word, juicy stories about two boys who came to visit my best friend which really means they came to visit her and I would tag along.  

They arrived late Thursday after sarah and I had come back from the classical spectacular which was the best concert I had ever gone to by far! Sarah texts me at 2 in the morning asking if I want to go to London but I don’t get it till I wake up in the morning by which time they are long gone, but no matter I would see them that night at vespers and I was going to look HOT.  Apparently Sarah came in to wake me up and ask her if I wanted to go but in my sleep I told her to go away with some crazy hand gestures.  To funny!
Our meeting wasn’t as wonderful as I hoped for, no fireworks or professions of true love but I did sit beside him, both then and while we were watching a movie that night.

His friend that he had brought was Matthew and he was a total spaz. I think he had major ADD but I didn’t say anything.  While on the train the next day he “fell asleep” on my shoulder and was stroking my hand under the cover of his fluffy jacket! He was super strange but it was only for 4 days. And he was usually mad at something anyway so it was all good.

The weekend was really fun and I was super happy to be able to have a pre met with Timon so that when I got there at Christmas it wouldn’t be really awkward.  But I can say that I am looking forward to Sarah’s house tons more now than I was before.

Now it might look like not much happened that weekend but it was just a ton of funny, little fun times that made it all great and if I took the time to write them all down it would probably end up looking like a police report, so you will just have to trust me that it was wonderful.

I really miss all of you and hope that your holidays are off to a good start, and even though I say I am looking forward to Sarah’s house it will not be that same as decorating my room with sarah, being home for Christmas, or spending time with my family baking, well I’m the only one who does that, playing settlers, except without Lucien. Ok I will just miss being in the same house as my family. And little Maggie.  Love you all and Merry Christmas

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