Saturday 22 December 2012

Alone at Last

The bad thing about me blogging is that I will go for a long time and not write anything but then I put something down and all I want to do is write it all in a matter of a few days.   So here I am writing my second entry in a week.  

Well as you now know I am at school for a week by myself with none of my friends and not even in my own room.  Because the English are crazy every Christmas all the dorm kids have to pack up all their things put them in storage and go home.  Even if they are coming back for the following semester.  Here was the plan, I move in with nancy in to room 21 and catlin and morgan live in 22 beside us.  When catlin moved out the next day I was to move in with morgan until she lift the day after that.  Where than I would possible have to move again or get a roommate.  But I said “ummm that is crazy why don’t I just move into the room with morgan, she will leave and then I stay where I am until I leave” so now that is the new plan.

So here I am living in a strange room with a very moldy shower, so bad that I have forgone a shower for the past two days, don’t worry I have deodorant and perfume. Hahaha, No I snuck back into my old room and took a shower just now so we are all good.  Being alone does have its perks, I have not worn make up for the past 5 days and there is no need to get out of bed since there is no classes studying or friends to judge you.  Except the strange thing is that now that I am as free as a bird I end up waking up at 9 and going to bed at 10 you would think I was still in school.  Funny how that body works some times.

A Couple Days Later

Well I am sitting in my bed at 2 in the morning, my plane leaves at 7 and I have to get up at 4 so what does Michel do? She pulls an all nighter.  Why not?  Well I am leaving for Christmas holiday, first Sarah’s house in the wonderful Swiss Alps, well not really but Switzerland isn’t that big so I can stretch the truth, than off to Poland where I will fulfill one of my long time wishes.  I will be going to Auschwitz, I know that sounds really creepy but I have been fascinated with the history for a long time so it was top on my list.  I don’t really know what I will be doing at Sarah’s but I do know that I will be getting fat with all the food, and enjoying the company very much!  

Wish Me Luck

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