Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas in Switzerland

Here we are! 

If any of you know that you better have kids or be bored out of you mind at home.  I am here in Switzerland at Sarah’s house with her wonderful parents, super nice brother and his girlfriend and super hot brother: single.

Yesterday I caught my plane at 7:00 in the morning, after staying up all night just cuz, I almost missed it, the gate was suppose to close at 7:05 and I arrived there around 7:06 almost ran over all the people on the lifts and walking conveyer belt things.  When I got to the airport I received a stamp in my passport saying that I arrived in Switzerland and then had to wait in the airport until Michael and his girlfriend came and got me.  Even though I was so tired with spurts of energy we went to see Basel which none of us had ever visited.  There were the most amazing allies that were lined with such swiss houses.  Never mind me explaining it, I will just find a picture. 
After parking and getting something to eat we explored the Christmas market, there was everything you could imagine there, strange tie dye candles, roasted nuts and all kinds of food.  I was so tired so not much of it stuck and we didn’t really take our time so it is mostly a blur.

Christmas Eve we had a truly Abramovic meal, all six courses!  We started eating at 2 and didn’t finish till midnight it was so much and each person had to create a dish so sarah and I were in charge of salad since that was the only one left.  For starters we had salmon on bread, then salad, soup, spaghetti, sorbet and goose.  It was so much food and I was so stuffed!  But to work it all off we went for a walk and then to midnight mass, my very first, in freaking German and I learned to cross myself the right way.

The very best part though is that my parents the ones who wouldn’t send me anything to save their lives.  Got in touch with Sarah got her mailing address and mailed me a Christmas present all the way from Canada to Switzerland all without me knowing or Sarah hinting.  The very best friend ever!  I was so shocked and so happy thank you so much mom and dad!  Michael recorded it so I will probably put it on facebook when I get the time.  Best Christmas ever!  Mines not knowing what anyone is talking about at any time.

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