Thursday 20 December 2012

The Nutcracker

I want to tell you all about the Nutcracker which Sarah and I just came back from on Thursday ok so we didn’t just come back but we will just pretend like we did.  Sarah and I caught the train with John who is a man whore really, but super nice and wonderful, so we forgive him.  When we got to London we had to run over to John’s apartment to print out the tickets cuz brilliant me forgot them on my desk.  When you go to a show don’t forget the tickets they are kind of a big deal....just a side note.
After printing and arriving at the Coliseum we found our seats literally surrounded by children from random schools.  And sarah who is a child hater hahaha was so mad. Sorry sarah!  Anywho you could totally tell which schools were public and which were private.   There where that school with the teachers wearing yellow vests, others who wore pearls and the inbetweeners who looked like average teachers.  When the curtain came up all the kids started to scream and then I realized why sarah hates kids they were such a bother.  Oh well the dancing was wonderful and the music spectacular.  I was in awe for most of the second half because of all the wonderful costumes and so many dancers.   All I could thing about was that here where at least 24 people on stage who had followed their dreams and become dancers even though many people probably told them that  same old saying “how many people do you know who go on to become professional?”  well I can tell you who all those people who were performing the Nutcracker in London.
It made me want to follow my dream of becoming a mermaid.  Well it could always happen.....
When the Waltz of the snowflakes came around it started to snow and all these little fairies came out with their tutus and were so synchronized they all jumped together and when they came down you could hear the wood in their shoes hit the ground all together which sounded really funny.  
Between them and the pink spring fairies it was worth the £ 10.
All in all though the performance was wonderful and I was so happy that I was able to see it for myself and not with a class.  Also that Sarah was with me which made it all the more fun, thanks Sarah.

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