Sunday 14 April 2013

Spring has Sprung

This is going to be the longest 4 weeks of my life! You have no idea how much I want to be back in Canada where they have Kraft Dinner, and Ranch Dressing.  Even though this country is a wonderful place and I will definitely be missing the easy transportation, people, and New Look it is so time for me to go home.  Don’t get me wrong I have had such an enjoyable time this year and I will be coming back to Europe in a couple years but I am so not ready to be away from my family for a full year without any visits.  Mind you I will probably be eating my words in about July when I can’t handle being treated like a member of the family again but for now, home is where I want to be.

Today was the very first day that it felt like spring.  It was really warm and sunny and many people went outside in shorts to do whatever homework they had to do.  Now I should have lumped myself in with that group but my computer is so broke and I can’t leave it unplugged so I was stuck inside pretending to write my essay for bible.  What a joy.

But now that I have been to the Library and took out all the books they had on Euthanasia I should really get back to it.

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