Tuesday 2 October 2012

Boys are Dumb Throw Rocks at Them

Feeling super bored out of my mind so I decided to write.  I just got in trouble for having a boy in my room.  the dean called me into her office and told me straight up that I am sleeping with this boy and I have had him in my room many times and they have been tracking his where abouts.  Too funny.  Our punishment is that he is banished from campus and I have a 10 o'clock curfew for a month.  Well here is the real story:

I come back from shopping and was so tired that I just took off my cloths and crawled into bed.  I was going to sleep until sarah got me up for supper which she does all the time.  I wake up and sarah has opened the door and is standing beside my bed, she does this all the time.  but then she says "hi michel" and I think why is sarah's voice so deep?  Well here is Siim standing in my room and here i am in my bra and underwear.  In my bed!  Well we sit an talk for a while after I put some clothes on and then I go to supper with him.  He was in my room only once and I did not invite him up.  Even though I was not wearing much clothing we DID NOT have sex.  The real story is that he is in all kinds of girls rooms but they are all on second floor or on my hall so it looks like he is coming up to my room no matter who's room he goes too.  So the dean thinks very strongly that I am sleeping with him and that I am the only girl he visits.  Both are not true but I am no snich so I let her believe that I was the only girl he visits and so I have 10 o'clock curfew woot!  So while all the other girls are out at Cafe Chill I am in my room writing y blog which is probably a good thing. 

This weekend I am going back to Windsor with Allissa and Lisi they are going to do a women's Lung Cancer run and I will sight see.  Maybe even get a date with my guard. jk mom don't worry I'm not going to go out with some strange guy. 

Well it is almost midnight and I still want to read The Power of Six so I shall say goodnight

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