Friday 5 October 2012

just a little update

These next few week are going to be weeks of travel.  This weekend I am going to Windsor, to see my man and watch Allissa and Lisi run a lung cancer charity run.  Then next next weekend I am going to the lake district for the weekend with some friends that should be fun.  The weekend after that is mid-term so i am headed off to.........wait for it.....drum roll pls.......Nice! ever seen the movie killers well i am going to find my own love bubble.  A day there and a bus ride 20 min to Monte Carlo back to Nice where we say bye to Allissa who is going to spend the rest of break with her family in Ireland well Lisi and I stay in France.  I want to see Paris and Versailles so hopefully we get it all accomplished.  Marita might also come and I have invited Marju who is Siim's sister so I really hope she comes.  She is so nice and gorgeous we have most of our classes together and I had no idea they were related until one night I was walking with Siim and I saw Marju so I stopped to talk and she wanted to talk to Siim about their mom and I was so shocked.  All in all this month will be brilliant 

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