Friday 19 October 2012

kind of creepy

just a quick shout out to everyone to let you know that I am thinking about you.  I am headed off to the lake district tomorrow night and will be there till Tuesday have class for like two days and then head off to Ireland on Thursday.  We just booked our hostel and I got an email from the man how runs it saying:

So glad you are staying with us where are you coming from and when will you be arriving? hope you have lots of fun in Belfast *wink* :) 

now if that isn't creepy rapist I don't know what is.  So wish me luck on this endeavor. 

also just a little tip for you who plan to visit England.  The way ppl here say how is it going? or whats up? is wait for everything ok? is it just me or doesn't that sound like "whats wrong you look like you have just been crying?" so that has been rather hard to get use to especially  since I have a British friend who I sit with in class and she asks me that all the time.  Oh well I will get use to it, will have to

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