Monday 15 October 2012

Turning over a new leaf

Life has been rather unproductive.  I have one class a day and when my class isn’t until four I don’t get out of bed until 10, I was thinking about it last night and I am in the greatest country even and I have wanted to be here since I can remember and what am I going? Watching TV and looking at facebook hoping that my old friends won’t forget about me.  I don’t know how I will follow through with this but I wanted to come to England to see the little towns and just be in the country so I have decided to walk around Binfield and get familiar with what I have.  Everything is in walking distance and I am sure just like every other town they have their own cute and interesting parts; I just need to find them.  So starting tomorrow after class and lunch I shall walk to the cemetery that my roommate told me about.  I shall see old tomb stones and the real England not just the tourist part.  So that is my goal for the next little while.  I can’t go out at night so I will go out in the day time.  

This afternoon  I am going shopping with Sarah and we are going to try to see what other shops we can find instead of just the same old ones we go to every time.  I think I have finalized most of my Christmas planes and I will be able to see Auschwitz and Poland, Switzerland and Sarah’s family has been so kind to let me stay with them over Christmas and I would like to thank them ever so much. And to give them a break from me I will make little trips to Vienna and hopefully Italy.  Really anywhere will be nice.

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