Friday 12 October 2012

Well guys change of plans I am going to Ireland instead of France, one because it is so expensive two when we tried to book the tickets it said that the plane was full and all the tickets had been booked.  So plan two go to Ireland.  I have always wanted to go see Damien so maybe this is my chance since he is not on glee any more, which reminds me I have to go watch the new episode cuz Blake is on.  Allissa, Lisi, Marita and i are all still going together.  Leaving Thursday coming back Monday, Break isn’t over till Friday so I will be going to London finally being able to see the museums and really look around.  Also I shall make a trip to Highclere Castle which is only two hours away.  We might also visit Lego Land which would be awesome.

Sarah’s brother is coming to visit in November and he is fit! Wants to take Sarah and me to Thorpe park just down the road, also out clubbing in London.  Won’t that just be fun.  Haven’t decided if it will be awkward when I go to Sarah’s for Christmas or if we will just be like good friend, but then I am pretty good at making things normal.  That will be so much fun to go to Switzerland for Christmas.  Imagine Christmas in the Alps with snow since they get zero snow here.

Well I am going to start super for Sarah and Marita the n i have two essays to write and a blog post.  There will be work tonight! And the rest of the week

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